Botox and dermal fillers have become a rising trend in twenty-something year old’s around our aesthetic offices in Mansfield and Cleveland, Ohio. So why has it become so trendy? We’ve heard a few common reasons when talking to our patients about their choice of using injectables. The pressure to be perfect yet still stand out in today’s social media minded world is ever-growing, and so naturally that desire falls at the top of the list.
We hear many of our younger patients saying things like “I want fuller lips.” Or “I want less noticeable lines in my face.” The pairing of Botox and dermal fillers are a perfect match for both of these requests. Botox offers injectable augmentation to places like lips, chin, and cheeks. With social media, the push to have flawless looking skin has become stronger. Facial fillers can also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that may be appearing, whether you’re ready or not. These fillers help fill lines and wrinkles that naturally occur from facial expressions, commonly near the eyes or around the mouth.
Because of the rise in facial injections, so comes the rise of places offering them. It is incredibly important to choose a reputable aesthetic practice for your Botox or dermal filler facial injections. It isn’t as simple as just picking the target areas, and injecting. The benefit of choosing a medical aesthetic practice like our Cleveland area or Mansfield office is you get strategic placement and custom facial filler injections by a medical aesthetic professional. You see, a 25 year old and 60 year old will need very different Botox or dermal filler amounts. Too much filler can over accentuate the area, while not enough may leave you wanting more.
Too much filler can leave you with an over-filled, balloon effect or cause you to look older. Because the facial injections were so long used by prominently 50+ year olds, the “standard” amount that is sometimes used is formulated for their faces. The faces of these older patients have lost collagen and fat over the years; therefore, they need much more product injected than someone who is looking for a little extra plump. Ensuring you’ll get the look you desire is one of the most important reasons to choose a medical aesthetic practice.
So, if you’re one of those twenty-somethings considering Botox and facial injections, here’s a little something to leave you with. First, choose a medical aesthetic practice verses the local dentist office that’s now offering Botox. Second, remember than over time you will adjust to the way you look. Down the road, you may end up feeling like you want a bigger plump that’s more noticeable. This can, over time, lead you to the earlier mentioned overfilled balloon look. When choosing to have facial fillers done with Fairlawn Aesthetic MD, you are choosing a professional team and custom skin treatment. To schedule your consultation in our Cleveland area office or Mansfield, Ohio aesthetic practice, call 330-801-9069.
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