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Caring for Your Skin after 40

There is always this big fuss over turning 40 (or is it 50?). You are "over the hill" and "middle-aged" and any number of other not-so-flattering descriptors. While we absolutely believe that age is very much a mindset, we do recognize that our bodies do change with the flipping of calendar pages. That being said, we want to care for our skin in the best way possible and what worked for you at 20 probably will not anymore once you reach 45. Here are some tips and tricks that will keep you fooling people as to what your real age is.

    We put this one in all caps because we know this one is very much common knowledge, but do you know how often you actually get the amount of water you really need? A survey said that only about 30% of the daily intake of water is actually from drinking water. The rest comes from juices and sodas, and those will contribute to weight gain. Cut those drinks out (coffee and tea are ok), and up that water intake!
  2. Exercise
    This is another common sense move, but let us explain. Exercise is great for so many things. The movement keeps your body limber, keeps weight down, and (this is the important one for this blog) keeps your stress levels down. When your stress is under control, you aren't frowning which could lead to unwanted facial lines, and your cortisol levels are down which allows your body to focus on proper care of itself because it's not stuck in "fight or flight" mode. If you've ever seen a before and after picture of a president, you can see how stress really does age you! So take care of yourself and exercise!
  3. Skin Care Routine
    Your daily skin care routine is very important. Leaving dirt and makeup on your face will cause your pores to get filled and breakouts aren't just relegated to the young. So find a skin care regimen you love and Stick. With. It. It doesn't have to be expensive. The biggest thing with any of these tips so far is to be diligent. That is where you will see the benefits. Long-term investment yields long-term rewards.
  4. Professional Aesthetic Care
    You can take the best care of your skin and still have some lingering issues that can be dealt with by an aesthetic doctor. Don't be afraid to get a little Botox for those pesky lines, and even get some dermal filler for those deeper crevices. You can find reasonable prices for these small treatments, or invest more in something like microneedling or laser treatments for discoloration.

What really matters is that no matter what your age is, you feel good in your skin. When you want to look at aesthetic treatments and you live in the area around Mansfield, Ontario, or Bucyrus, Ohio, consider Fairlawn Aesthetic MD. They offer an experienced, friendly team in a relaxing office space. They also have convenient scheduling and the option of financing for your aesthetic treatment.


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